Leon's Jerusalem No News Bulletin.(11)

Sun 12th Mar 06


Dear friends and family,


Israel is made up of people coming from various religious and cultural groups. To know Israel today it's not enough to know something of their history, one needs to know especially, how they are coping in the modern Jewish state.


For the Jews living here and in the rest of the world, the state was a dramatic about face from a downward plummeting fall into the dark oblivion of the holocaust, to a phoenix like ascent to the heights of hope and a future of being one of the most admired nations in the world.


In an effort to learn a bit about how the Arab Israelis were doing I attended a series of lectures the other afternoon, at the Van Leer Institute in Jerusalem. All the speakers were brilliant and happened to be Arabs.


There was a lecturer on social medicine from the Hebrew university, a sociology professor from Bar Ilan university, the head of a government advisory committee on Arab/Jewish integration from Nazareth and several others who were all of a very high intellectual level. Most of the discussions centered around a book entitled "The Arab Society in Israel" by Dr.Aziz Heidar.


Judging by this, the Arabs are doing very well. I felt proud that, my country, Israel, could produce such capable people but more proud to think that they are Arabs, not Jews, teaching at Israeli universities where most of the students are Jewish.


These people weren't ranting and raving against a foreign country casting blame for discrimination and injustice in some other country, as their brethren do in neighboring countries like Syria and Iran. They were speaking out, quietly and with well based arguments, against these things in their own country, Israel.


They could do this here because Israel encourages everyone, Arabs and Jews, to speak out against discrimination and injustice.


Israel makes progress because it produces experts and listens to their criticism. Our neighbors remain backward because they don't do this.


Their leaders and intellectuals are only permitted to speak out against America, Israel and other free, democratic countries. They would be punished if they publicly spoke against discrimination and injustice in their own countries.


Instead of handling their problems they blame the rest of the world, especially Israel.


I'm sure there are many scholars, among them Arabs, in those countries and elsewhere searching for an explanation for this dichotomy.


I suggest that the answer lies in the co-existence encouraged in democratic countries. In Israel people see this co-existence and the consequent outspokenness of Arabs as problematical. This is because very often it results in conflict, even physical violence.


Conflict, however, is only the negative side of Arab/Jewish co-existence. There's also a positive side, this is competition.


An Arab Israeli's success is in part due to his need to compete against Jewish success. The combination of Jews and Arabs living together in Israel has a positive, stimulating effect on both Jews and Arabs.


The character of the modern state of Israel is formed by Arabs and Jews living together, and the success or failure achieved by anyone here is the product of that combined living.


The clash between  Jewish and Arab nationalism, no matter how severe, does not change the fact that the two are here to stay, on the one hand Jewish and Arab nationalism, on the other the combined living of the two groups.


There isn't only clash and conflict, there is also fierce competition in every sphere; science, law, medicine, art, agriculture and commerce.


It's great that Arabs and Jews are proud of their nationality. National pride goads people to achieve greater heights in every sphere.


Unfortunately this positive competition is played out only at the highest socio-economic level of Arab and Jewish society in Israel.


At the lower levels only the clash part of living together is played out. The only competition here is to see who can be more violent.


The rabbis of the Talmud understood the danger to society of the existence of these low socio economic levels. For them the real problem is not poverty but the existence of a poverty level in society.


This is a level like a step in a ladder where one can go up or down. The solution must cause them to go up and prevent them from going down, not just give them something to eat or to wear.


After being in a low socio-economic level for a generation or two people drop out of society and instead of being part of it become its enemies and their only desire in life is to destroy the community that put them there.


Society can't have a situation where people at a lower level of society will always remain there. This is a danger to its own existence.


If we continue to neglect this situation the community will eventually disappear.


Since the time of the Temple the Jewish solution to poverty was not simply to give charity but to show people how to raise themselves to higher levels. The objective was to try and eradicate these low levels altogether or at least to give strong motivation for upward mobility.


The need for the continuation of the community is at stake. If the community disappears then the world begins to totter.


That is why the solution to the problem, "Gmillut Hesed" (The distribution of loving-kindness) was regarded as one of the pillars on which the universe rests.


With "Gmillut Hesed" any needy member of the community could get a loan without interest. It saved many Jews from hunger, but most of all it showed Jews that they weren't destined to be in a low socio economic level forever.


It showed how they could rise up the ladder and gave them the confidence to try to rise up.


In this way people remained part of the community and not its enemies. It kept the Jews together as a community and played an important role in the survival of the Jewish nation in the face of constant threats to its existence.


Instead of leaving the Arabs to figure out their own form of "Gmillut Hesed" our government could easily set up "Gmilut Hesed" for them and help them get on their feet and step up the ladder to be part of Israeli society and not its enemies.


Have a great no news day. Leon.


Reply to: legork@netvision.net.il
Leon Gork. Israeli Tour Guide.
PO BOX 49091
Jerusalem 91491

Tel/fax 02 5810732
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