Leon's Jerusalem No News Bulletin.(14)

Sun 27th Mar 06


Dear friends and family,


Negative situations surround us everywhere. Take this last week in Israel, as an example:


Over 1 million chickens and other birds have been put to death to prevent the spread of the deadly bird flu, 3 terrorists were caught on their way to carry out a suicide attack somewhere in Israel, Naomi Blumental MP was sent to prison for 6 months for bribery and corruption. On Wednesday we had a Hamsin (Hot desert wind) which made people irritable, yesterday a young fellow was electrocuted when he was climbing an electric pylon to take down a poster of an opposing political party etc.


His Holiness the Dalai Lama teaches that negative states like these endanger ourselves and others. But this is only true if we don't confront and avert them.


Unfortunately many people don't do this. Instead they hide away from a negative situation by taking alcohol or drugs and so deny themselves the opportunity of confronting and averting them, which is so vital to our preventing them from causing harm.


This isn't my aim in "Leon's no news bulletin", on the contrary I reveal the news, to confront it and avert it and so eliminate its danger. Calling it "no news" takes the emphasis from the news and puts it on the necessity of positive reaction in confronting and averting its negative aspects.


This is done by "examining my mind in all my actions in the midst of the negative state." as the Dalai Lama teaches.


I can't change the negative state into a positive one but, by examining my mind in the midst of a negative state, I can give the negative state a positive function in stimulating my mind.


By using the negative state in this way I'll use my mind to think of performing actions that will help me to survive and be happy.


Examining the mind in the midst of the negative state is so essential that I can go so far as to say that it is even good to be faced with a negative state.


This is only true if I examine my mind when the negative state arises. A negative state is bad if I don't examine my mind. By not examining my mind in the midst of the negative state it will also become negative and I'll do actions that will bring disaster on myself and others, instead of bringing success.


It seems, in fact that humans have a need to discover negative states. Perhaps this is why newspapers are such successful ventures. I suggest that the search for negative states even lies at the base of need for curiosity which leads to discovery and invention.


Newspapers thrive on this phenomenon and present, even the most mundane events as crises situations.


The fact is that all situations are the outcome of ordinary events that are perfectly natural in a world where humans interact with each other and with nature. Wherever the various forces of nature interact with each other both negative and positive situations are bound to happen.


Facing and averting negative situations is definitely no easy matter, but the benefits in self understanding and better relationships are so great that it's well worth the effort.


Handling negative states by confronting and averting them is a mental exercise that makes us grow and become strong both mentally and physically.


I agree with Shantideva, the Buddhist philosopher of the 8th century, that somehow we need to separate our feelings from the event that gives rise to them.  This will help us "examine our mind in our actions when a negative situation arises."


Many people fall into the trap, as I have done throughout my life of examining the situation and the feelings instead of examining the mind. Examining feelings and situations may have use in history or psychology but examining thoughts in actions give insight and results in effective behavior.


Wishing you a great no news day. Leon.

Reply to: legork@netvision.net.il

Leon Gork. Israeli Tour Guide.

PO BOX 49091

Jerusalem 91491


Tel/fax 02 5810732

Mobile phone 052 3801867

