Leon's Jerusalem No News Bulletin.(16)

Mon 10th April  06


Dear friends and family,


Some months ago Yediot Ahronot, one of our daily newspapers, revealed a big scandal, that the David Citadel Hotel, one of the most luxurious in Jerusalem, gave Rabbi Yona Metzger, chief rabbi of Israel, a 50% discount ($150 instead of about $400) on his accommodation.


The Torah has no objection to a rabbi living in luxury, on the contrary, monasticism is discouraged and accumulating physical wealth is applauded. But Metzger, more than anyone else, should have known that the Torah, is the first law book in the world to prohibit gaining that wealth by taking bribes.


The Chief Rabbi doesn't make the law and he's not above it.


Naturally, Manny Mazuz, the government legal advisor wanted to prosecute him, but he dropped the case because he felt that he didn't have enough evidence to get a conviction.


Most prosecutors would have left the case at this stage, not Mazuz. He wrote a scathingly critical letter about the Chief Rabbi's conduct and suggested he resign.


Many people see Mazuz' action as being part of his battle against religion, but this isn't so. He's descended from a long line of Rabbis in the city of Djerba, Tunisia and certainly isn't against religion.


He is, however, against the control which religion exercises over the daily life of Jews in Israel. He's made the important point that it's not the Chief Rabbi who sets the standard for what is legal but the ministry of Justice.


Coming from Djerba and living in Netivot Mazuz has had plenty opportunities to see the detrimental effects which this kind of control has on a society.


Both Djerba and Netivot are towns which are famous for miracle making rabbis who seek control over the activities of the town by promising the population all kinds of physical rewards in return for their support and financial gifts.


The only way these rabbis can succeed is by discouraging independent thought which comes from a liberal education.


Religious superstition is only a powerful force in a society of ignorant close minded people. Netivot has been more successful than any other development town in raising the level of education. Probably this is due to the fact that 80% of the population is secular, originating from the ex Soviet Union.


Obviously the religious groups in the town aren't too happy about this, hence the great effort they're making to attract more religious Jews there.


Netivot has become world famous, amongst ignorant religious Jews, as distinguished from enlightened religious Jews, as the centre for miracle performing rabbis, like the Baba Sali, the Rentgen (the x ray rabbi) and others. So many Jews and others who believe in these miracles come flocking to Netivot that the town is most known for the miracle rabbis who operate there.


This why visitors to Netivot are surprised and amazed to find a thriving town with 11 high schools, a thriving adult education center, many well run kindergardens and much more.


One cannot separate Mazuz's treatment of the Chief Rabbi's crime from the struggle against religious control he's witnessed in Netivot and possibly in Djerba.


Mazuz has proved his worth as legal advisor to the government by not passing up the opportunity which the Chief Rabbi's crime gave him.


Wishing you a happy Pesach and a great no news day. Leon.


Reply to: legork@netvision.net.il

Leon Gork. Israeli Tour Guide.

PO BOX 49091

Jerusalem 91491


Tel/fax 02 5810732

Mobile phone 052 3801867

