25th Apr 06
Today, the day of the Holocaust memorial and the day after a murderous terror attack in Sinai much is written and spoken, as always, about the danger of blind hatred and senseless violence.
most of these acts are carried out by people who are enemies of the Jews, they
still fall into the category of enemies without reason, because being Jewish
isn't a valid reason for someone to be your enemy.
is a logical creature and finds it difficult to accept the idea that a
phenomenon can exists without reason.
his search for the reasons for the existence of phenomena man has developed
three kinds of tools to help him, namely; Philosophy, religion and science.
despite the opinion of some scholars, the reason why there are people who are
enemies of the Jews, anti-Semites, eludes all three fields of study.
all these years of research, despite great disappointment and feeling of
failure, it
seems we must conclude that here is a phenomenon that exists without reason.
are, simply, two kinds of enemies, namely; those who have a reason and those
without a reason.
Everybody, at some time or other, has enemies with a reason. For example, thieves, slanderers and murderers etc. There's no doubt they are the pests of society, but the damage they cause is limited by the reason why they're enemies.
they've got what they wanted they're no longer your enemy.
an enemy without a reason, however, is a special "privilege enjoyed"
by only a few select people, like the Jews, as a nation.
the Nazis and the Crusaders are examples of enemies without reason.
not only the victim who doesn't know the reason why someone is his enemy, the
enemy also doesn't know the reason, even though he might think he knows the
is why both the acts of the enemy and the acts of retaliation of his victims
don't have any boundary and the two together lead to many series of enormous, never
ending disasters that never solve any problems.
is what makes having an enemy without reason so disturbing.
result is everlasting blind hatred.
solution to this problem is simple, namely not to hate someone who is your
enemy without reason.
in some unknown way mankind has been brainwashed to hate his enemy. Thus he
refuses to accept this solution and you are probably extremely disgusted and
shocked that I even dare to make such a suggestion.
is why humanity will go on doing research to understand the non existent
reasons for an enemy without reason and will carry on firing off canons and
making counter attacks against unseen targets in an effort to end the existence
of the phenomenon of an enemy without reason.
of hatred without reason we need love without reason
wishing you a great no news day.
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