Fri 30th
Jun 06
Dear friends and
Yesterday I had
to take a lady and her three children to meet their father in Tel Aviv. We had about
4 hours to kill before the set meeting time. So I had to think of some place to
show them that would interest both mother and children.
The mother set
the tone by reading me a list of possible historic places. We decided that the
caves of Bet Guvrin would be both fun for the kids
and of historic interest. Everybody liked the idea of crawling through caves
especially since they were of historic Jewish interest.
There are
thousands of these caves dug thousands of years ago by the dwellers of a town called
Maresha, mentioned in the Bible as one of the cities
of the tribe of
Immediately at
the beginning of our journey we hit a traffic jam in the middle of Jerusalem
and I made an on the spot decision to take another, longer route out of the
city which would take us past the Old City. This was okay because the family
hadn't yet seen the Old City and I had a chance to fill them in on some history
of Jerusalem which would later be a useful help to a better understanding of
the historical significance of Maresha as one of the
outlying towns that defended the approach to Jerusalem and a town the supplied
the people of Jerusalem with food.
I believe that
the only way to understand
The way to Maresha leads past the famous tank
It's very
beautifully done and we walked around and talked about the places we saw. The
place they all liked best was a miniature of the Biblical Zoo in
Then we went to
Old Jaffa, to distinguish it from New Jaffa. Even though there isn't anything new about New Jaffa it's not as old as Old Jaffa.
the time had eventually come to fetch dad from the Sheraton
hotel, where he was giving a lecture. Then we all went to a great restaurant
We has lots to talk about at dinner so it went on till quite
late. Another time I'll tell you about the things we talked about.
Have a great no
news day.
Yours sincerely
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