Tues 14th Feb 06
Dear friends and
What a great day
it was yesterday in
600 % increase
over the two weeks previous to that.
I haven't done
anything different. It just goes to show how much our success or failure in
life isn't the result of something we've done but the result of events and
situations completely out of our control.
For example the
increase in tourism is almost certainly due to the airlines offering a special
package deal to
It's not only
that I like to have many people on my tours, I'm happy
even if one person turns up and gets a private tour for $15. I'm happy for the
opportunity people get to visit this wonderful country.
It's not only a
beautiful, historic and dynamic country, it's also a
good country. In the moral sense
Take for example
the recent desecration of the honor of the Prophet Muhammed.
About two years
ago you might have heard of an art student, Tatiana Soskind,
who was sentenced to two years imprisonment for making a mockery of the Prophet
in an art project. This is as it should be. I have lots of criticism of Islam,
but mockery doesn't have a place in constructive criticism.
The law,
however, is the same for the Moslems and any other citizen of
Now someone else
has done this in
Just imagine
what good conditions criminals could have in prisons if there were less of
them. Just goes to show that criminals are also very inconsiderate of their own
At the Tel Hashomer hospital, Sunday, a little baby girl, only a few
hours old struggled for her life. The struggle for life failed but this little
child showed us how strong is the struggle for life. Her struggle lasted about
5 hours, but she was only about 2 hours old when she started the struggle. Her
struggle began after her mother gave birth to her and left her outside an appartment block, completely naked, in the cold Winter morning. One of the neighbors heard a faint noise and
found the baby.
This highlights
the tremedous need to encourage people to talk about
their problems and to find help in their moment of need. The taboos and unnacceptance of unmarried mothers or mothers out of
wedlock have no place in our modern society.
A woman who
becomes a mother should be raised on a pedestal as a heroine of society not be thrown in the dung heap as a disgrace of society.
We're very good
at composing songs about motherhood but what do we really do to make woman feel
good and honourable because they are all potential
mothers. It's about time we start showing women some respect.
Throwing people
away and throwing trash away is all part of the mistakes we have in our modern
society. We throw the stuff away and then think what to do with it. It's about
time we stopped making the trash in first place then we wouldn't have to throw
it away and we wouldn't have to figure out ecologically disastrous ways of
getting rid of it.
Should we burn
it or recycle it into fuel or erichments for soil in
the desert. I'm fascinated by the fuel and agricultural material that is
created from trash. I visited the plant in
Even if figures
can show that burning trash is more economical the moral inspiration that
people get from doing something useful makes recycling worth it.
Here's wishing
you a great no news day.
Reply to: legork@netvision.net.il
Leon Gork. Israeli Tour Guide.
Tel/fax 02
Mobile phone 052