Leon's Jerusalem
No News Bulletin.(5)
Wed 22nd Feb 06
Dear friends and
The weather in
Israel is going from warm to hot. Yesterday we basked in the sun on a boat on
the Sea of Galillee in about 25 centigrade.
The boat was
taking a group of tourists and myself from Ein Gev, where we had just eaten a
delicious St. Peter's fish lunch, to Nof Ginossar where we joined our bus to
drive to Nazareth.
It was already
dark when we made our way back to Jerusalem. But not too late.
This night, for
a change I'd be early in bed. The night before we'd walked through the tunnel
under the Western Wall at midnight.
Somehow the
darkness brought on an overwhelming feeling that the Temple, destroyed by the
Romans 2000 years ago, was totally and really in existence at this moment.
I had always
seen the Temple as a symbol of Jewish National Unity, but the night visit to
the ruined Temple, followed by our journey through the Jordan Valley, past
Sartaba, suddenly brought to me a clear realization that one of Judaism's
purposes is to make man feel part of something greater than himself.
Sartaba is a
high mountain where the bonfire used to be lit to indicate the beginning of a
new month. Knowing the exact moment when a new month begins makes it possible
to know the exact moment when a festival is to begin.
One of the
characteristics of Judaism that has always fascinated me is the punctuality of
celebrating festivals. For example the Sabbath begins at a specific moment. If
you begin it one moment earlier or one moment later you have contravened the
definitely tries, through the observance of laws to imbibe man with the
conciousness that he is part of two forms of unity: The unity of the universe
and the unity of the Nation.
By beginning at
an exact moment man is united with all other Jews beginning the Sabbath rest at
that moment and he is united with God who began his rest at that moment.
We can rest any
day but by resting on a particular day we are declaring that we are one with
the nation and one with the universe.
Like most people
I love my bed. I get up at 4 in the morning because my dog wakes me up, not
because I want to get up. Getting up for me is never an individual thing. Some
creature makes me do it.
This leads me to
the conclusion that we are creature driven creatures. We motivate each other to
do things.
You motivate me
to write this letter because I learned that many of you don't get no news
information about Israel.
For example only
this no news bulletin will tell you that an Arab taxi driver bumped into my car
last week.
Thank God only
the car was damaged and is now standing at the panel beater in the Arab village
of E Zaim getting repaired by the owner of the taxi company who assures me that
the car will be as good as new. I'll know today.
There's an art
exhibit at the Israel Museum devoted to the centenary of the founding of the
Bezalel art school by Boris Schatz. I'll let you know about it in one of the
forthcoming bulletins.
I also hope to
be giving you a report on the opera Manon Lescaut by Giacomo Puccini, which is being performed in Tel Aviv
by the Israel Opera.
After visiting
the Mahaneh Yehudah Market I can tell you that tomatoes are only 2 shekels a
kilo, oranges 3, but cheese is still very expensive. That's the way it is in
all the world, expecially Italian Parmezan cheese. So I'm pleased to inform you
that there is a very good goat cheese which costs only 90 shekels a kilo and
it's delicious especially with some olives and dry, red, wine.
Have a great no
news day. Yours truly, Leon.