Leon's Jerusalem No News Bulletin.(8)

Sat 4th Mar 06


Dear friends and family,


The other day I had sold some picture books of Israel, videos, tapes and cd's of Israeli songs etc. to a group of tourists from Holland who I was guiding,


The tourism situation had been so bad that I hadn't had a request for these kind of things for about 6 years.


Tourists seeking these books and videos etc. was a good sign that Israel has not only once again become a popular destination but is also seen by tourists as a beautiful country with beautiful customs and music that they want to show their friends back home.


Naturally I was very happy about this. Unfortunately my reverie about the beauties of Israel was badly shattered when I went to the store to fetch these illustrations of Israel's beauty that the tourists had ordered. This happened because the store happens to be located right next to the wall.


You all know, of course, that we have a wall in Jerusalem. Many tourists have asked me to show it to them. Well, quite frankly, like most of you I had only seen pictures of it untill I went to that shop.


I suppose this store is taking advantage of its proximity to the wall to get a cheap rent. I'm sure there can't be another reason for living here, in the shadow of this monstrous wall.


Before the wall was built you'd get a view of the grandeur of the mountains and valleys leading to the Dead Sea and Bethlehem. Now you only see a wall. The beautiful scenary is totally shut out from view, obliterated.


It's really unpleasant because it makes you feel that you are in a prison or that the people on the other side are in prison.


The village where the wall stands, El Lazaria, the village of Lazarus, was notorious as a place where Israeli cars were stoned and from where several suicide bombers originated.


The wall carry's a message, loud and clear "don't mess with the state". If terrorists think they have power it's nothing compared to the power in the hands of the state.


The state has the power to employ some ugly instruments, even a wall that obliterates nature in its effort to prevent the ugliness of terrorism.


Every state in the world is a powerful instrument. The state of Israel is no exception. Criminals are ugly and prisons are even more ugly.


The state is capable of much greater power than the individual who seeks to overthrow it. Individual terrorists coming from El Lazaria had the power to perform ugly acts of force that killed people but didn't have the power to obliterate nature. Even if they succeeded in causing deep suffering for their victims the rest of us could continue to enjoy the scenary.


The state, on the other hand, in its efforts to prevent terrorism creates permanent ugliness. Something which not only the people getting punished suffer but which all of us must suffer.


I compare this to the absurd necessity to stand for about 2 hours at airports for a security check or to stand in a long line waiting for a security check at the bus station, or having to pass through a metal detector every time I go to the Wailing Wall and uncountable other nuisances which have become necessities throughout the world because of a handful of terrorists.


I was always very happy that churches, which I visit often with tourists, were one of the few places, untill now, where there was no security check because they'd never been targeted by terrorist.


Since last night's attack on the church of the anunciation in Nazareth, however, this is going to change. It wasn't much. Only some fire crackers and some gas baloons which didn't explode. Unfortunately some Arabs used this as an excuse to incite the masses to demonstrate against Israel, who they accused of being anti Christian.


The Israeli police did a great job of, not only dispersing the mob without killing or badly injuring anybody, but also rescuing the perpetrators from the hands of the mob who were so churned up that they wanted to lynch them.


Now we'll have security checks at all holy places.


In view of the circumstances this is necessary, but in my opinion, these metal detectors are very ugly things and really spoil the beauty and the feeling of holiness at these wonderful sites.


Have a great no news day. Leon.

Reply to: legork@netvision.net.il
Leon Gork. Israeli Tour Guide.
PO BOX 49091
Jerusalem 91491
Tel/fax 02 5810732
Mobile phone 052 3801867