Friday, July 14, 2006
friends and family, shalom,
If the recent Palestinian and Hizbullah act of
aggression would be isolated incidents one couldn't construe them as aiming at
the destruction of
Iran sent more than 10000 rockets to the Hizbullah in 2002.
Constant Hizbullah attacks over the last several years.
rockets were sent to
Ahmanidajad has been declaring that
It's obvious from the above that our enemies have an ideal to make war
and to destroy
It's only ideal is to defend itself so that it can continue its creative activities in developing as a modern, civilized society
It's also obvious that our enemies aren't achieving their ideal of
destruction but
The conclusion that one can come to is that the only worthwhile ideal is one that is constructive. An ideal which is destructive has no hope of succeeding because the very essence of destruction is failure. The essence of construction is success.
We follow our ideal of defense and succeed, whereas our enemies follow their ideal of war and only bring their already crumbling world to new levels of ruination.
The ideal of war can only be destructive. An ideal is something that totally occupies a human being or a nation. This is why an ideal of destruction totally excludes the possibility of having an ideal of construction.
This is why for our enemies war is a full time activity while for us it's only a part time activity. It's just one of the things, among many, that a civilized nation does to survive. It's the thing a civilized nation spends the least amount of time doing compared to all the other things it does. It's the thing an uncivilized nation spends the most of its time doing. Usually that's all it does and so stays uncivilized.
Wishing you
a great no news day. Yours truly.
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