Thursday, August 10, 2006
Dear friends and family, shalom,
The cost we're paying to inflict damage on Hizbullah is tremendous, but
we're not hiding it. Every morning the price list appears in the daily newspapers,
on the radio in the TV broadcasts of the funerals and so on. Nothing is
fabricated and we need to be strong to swallow this bitter pill each day. Our
bookkeepers are doing their job and not making the figures look pretty.
Our enemies don't have such good bookkeepers. Just listening to Nasrallah's speeches shows us how he's trying to make things look good for his masters. He keeps telling his audience that the Israelis are lying and that our casualties are more than we actually report and that he is fighting fit and his army is intact.
I'm sure Nasrallah would like to tell his masters, the Arab world, the truth about how critical the position of his army is.
But he can't do that because then he'd wake the Arabs up from the dream they're enjoying.
This dream tells them that they're on their way to destroying the Jewish Paradise, which is rightfully theirs, so that it can be replaced by the Moslem Paradise.
Arabs love describing their miserable situation because it highlights the Jewish Paradise. Now with their new rockets they can show how they are destroying the Jewish Paradise. Nasrallah never tires of describing the nightmare he's creating for the Jews.
The Arabs don't carry out peaceful demonstrations, to attain civil rights;
instead they murder and commit acts of ghastly terror because they don't really
want more civil rights and their own state beside
Nasrallah and others like him maintain their popularity by lying and so keeping this awful dream alive at all costs.
The Arab world thrives on feeling sure that they are on their way to realizing their dream and Nasrallah encourages that feeling.
He keeps promising the Jews a nightmare because only when the Jews have a nightmare will the Arabs have a dream.
He and Ahmanidajad promise to wipe
They do that because only then will Moslems attain their rightful,
blissful state in
For them any country where Jews are living or where people, like
As long as the Jews are living in Paradise Moslems have no place there. They
aren't only defiling Paradise, they physically occupy the
space in
This is why a Moslem who dies in the process of killing a Jew attains paradise.
The total annihilation of
This is why Nasrallah and all Arab leaders
have to keep telling their followers that they are approaching their goal of
Our struggle for survival and their struggle to destroy us will simply bring never ending devastation..
Through many generations of struggle Mankind has achieved a sort of
The paradox is that if we try to achieve the
It would be better to come to the realization that
At least then we'll try to preserve it and not end up destroying it in return for some fictitious paradise.
The Arabs aren't doing this. On the contrary, their leaders keep lying
and telling them that living in ruins, created by the Jews, is the price they
must pay to attain
If you'd like to read some of the official lies which Arabs are teaching their children, regarding the Jews I suggest you go to the following website:
Nativ online.
If you'd like me to send you the file of the above book by attachment please let me know and I'll be happy to do so.
Wishing you a good day. Yours
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