August 27, 2006
Well it's almost a week now since I
brought you some news from this constantly turbulent part of the world. Now the
war's over "everybody" seems to be asking where did we go wrong? Why
did we fail? Media polls are held to show that 62% of Israelis want Olmert, Perets and Dan Halutz to resign. Experts are giving their opinion on the
radio and on the TV that these guys should resign.
In the midst of all this, I'm happy
to say Olmert opened this week's cabinet meeting by
stating that the most important subject on the agenda is the efficient opening
of the new school year.
Good for Olmert!!!!!
He put things in correct perspective
and helped us, the ordinary folk of the land, to calm down and start thinking
of normal things again and not of war. He has said that a committee of enquiry
or several committees will be appointed but in the meantime the country must
continue with its day to day business.
Things are returning to normal so
fast that it's getting difficult to remember that only 2 weeks ago more than a
million Israelis were living in air raid shelters. With all the war and all the
after war furor the country marched forward and didn't miss a beat.
The country deserves a medal for
this. Olmert deserves a medal for his level
headedness in the face of the screaming hysteria of the opposition political
The blow that has sent
the country reeling, however, is one which is not news, because, sadly it
happens everywhere.
Everybody thought that such a
shameful thing as the president of
Now it's happened; the President of
Israel has been accused of forcing an employee of the presidential residence to
have sex with him.
The court will decide
the man's guilt or innocence. But in the meantime this episode has highlighted
the mockery that the presidential institution has made of the entire country.
Israelis who by nature are quite
immune to shocking episodes have this time been really shocked. Air raid
shelters can't protect us from the terrible stench which is rising from the
presidential palace.
This episode has certainly shocked
me into rethinking the need for a presidency in
We don't really need a president. Being
only a figure head and allowing him the right to condone prison sentences makes
the position vulnerable to corruption.
His only task, practically, is to give
the country an appearance of dignity, honesty and morality.
It's impossible to guarantee
that only an incumbent of such a high degree of integrity will be appointed, therefore
then there is no place for the presidency in Israel. The country's honor is at
risk and no respectable country should ever take such a risk.
We have a prime
minister, elected by the people. The president is elected by parliament. His
actions make parliament honorable or dishonorable. Now he's made it
We shouldn't be demonstrating
against the war, we should be handing our medals to our brave soldiers and
citizens of the North who faced the enemy.
The only demonstration which is
needed is one against the institution of presidency.
I am looking for helpers to join me
in a demonstration to dismantle the presidency. Who is joining me?
Here's wishing you a great no news
day. Yours sincerely.