Misguided enthusiasm
or cultural excitement – which will it be
Shalom friends,
I usually sit down to write
a letter after having an
experience which has impressed me so much that I want to share it with as many
people as possible, but on going over the experiences of the last month, since
my last letter I can’t find any that really shook me or thrilled me. Then, not
finding any of my own experiences I took a look at the experiences of others
and the one that glares out mostly from the news headlines is demonstrators
fighting against a regime; Syria and Egypt especially.
I came across an Egyptian cartoon
which shows what is
happening in Egypt as opposed to what is happening in America (and Israel also
for that matter).
Basically it says that while the world
is waking up
(referring to the demonstrations in Egypt) the America people only care about McDonalds,
entertainment, motor cars, smartphones, money etc. (If you want to see the
cartoon click here)
Of course it made me think of
my situation and my dull
experiences as opposed to all the exciting and apparently meaningful experiences
of the Egyptians. So once again I
ask myself what is more important in life? To demonstrate, throw bombs, fight
wars and other multifarious activities or to seek out the things that excite us
because of their beauty, creativity and kindness?
Doing the latter and not doing
the former aren’t we escaping
from doing the really important things in life, like fighting for justice?
Let’s face it shooting;
throwing bombs, killing etc are an
easier way to get a thrill than looking at art, reading literature or poetry, visiting
theatre, listening to music etc. One must be involved in these things for a
long time for a feeling of appreciates to develop and even longer for a feeling
of excitement to come over one when experienced.
Any idiot can get a thrill from
throwing a bomb and if you
give him a cause that sounds good like fighting for God or fighting for a moral
society the thrill is even greater because you get more people doing it, even intelligent
people can be misguided. It’s usually the smart, intelligent people who use the
rallying cry “in the name of God” or “in the name of Allah” to get the masses
of less intelligent people to follow them and get worked up to a frenzy of
excitement. Creating a kind of tsunami that will sweep new leaders into power.
The masses don’t realize
that the pictures of McDonalds ,
piles of money, dancing girls, shown in the Egyptian cartoon are only outward
representations of inner cultural riches, not cultural poverty, as the Egyptian
media says. Inner cultural riches cannot easily be depicted in pictures, they
need the outward trappings.
So to the average Egyptian it
looks like American society is
materialistic and is in opposition to the aspirations of Islam which is
spiritualistic and puritanical. So it’s held up to the masses of poor people in
Egypt as an illustration of the way not to be. And the poor people who don’t
have those things are ready to believe that that is the wrong way and
spiritualism and puritanism is the right way.
So combine the thrill of throwing
a bomb with the philosophy
of promoting spirituality through destruction of the things they don’t have it’s
easy to get the masses to boiling point frenzy that will raise fanatic Islam to
the leadership of Egypt.
Then these will proceed to turn
all Egyptians into one
amorphous mass subservient to one ruler, God or His representative on earth.
Creativity is completely suppressed, banned as an expression of materiality
which distances the religious person from the spirituality of God.
This is why they even burn down
mosques and churches. They
are anti-materialism. They aspire to total spiritualism. This is why they
approve of creating an atom bomb, the ultimate vanquisher of materialism.
The flames of this religious
fanaticism burn most fiercely
among the poverty stricken masses. If you take a look at the demonstrators
against the regime in Egypt those are the ones who are demonstrating. They will
turn all of Egypt into the same non-materialistic mess as the one they live in.
I don’t know whether it’s
true or not that Israel is helping
the regime in Egypt to fight against the Moslem Brotherhood on the grounds that
they would be a serious threat against Israel if they came to power in Egypt,
but I don’t believe that a bunch of raving maniacs, including Iran and local
Palestinians, especially Hamas are a threat to a well-oiled military machine
like Israel’s, as long as it’s in the hands of a pragmatic, non-fanatic government.
(I’m sorry to say that I don’t regard the present government like that,
hopefully I’m wrong.)
Fanatics of any kind aren’t
a threat to level headed people.
Wishing you a good day
Yours truly
Leon Gork