
Jerusalem Study Walk 2 days

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         Jerusalem study Walking Tour 2 days




Each day the tours consist of several parts. Each part consists of a walk and topics for discussion and the time I suggest allotting to each part.. Naturally you may add topics and if time allows and my knowledge enables me to discuss them we’ll include them. Most of these topics would require complete lectures but I will only deal with them briefly like headings. They are subjects for further discussion.


Intended time: Each day would begin at 8 and end at 17:00


Day 1

The 1st day’s tour consists of 5 parts and 17 topics.

Part 1 Walk: Start at the Jaffa Gate, walk through the Christian Quarter. 60 Minutes


1. The topographical layout of Jerusalem as it relates to the history and the development of religions


2. The Ottoman period of Jerusalem and its end in the 1st WW


3. A short explanation of Jerusalem in Roman times leading to the destruction of the city and the temple


4. Hadrian and Constantine and how that lead to the development of Christianity.


5. The different Christian groups associated with the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.


Part 2

Walk: The Church of the Holy Sepulchre. 60 min


6. The history of the structure


7. The mythological symbolism of the customs and decorations in the church.


Part 3

Walk: The Via Dolorosa. 90 min


8. Historical development of the streets of the Old City


9. Symbolism of the Stations of the Cross.


10. Tastes and sites of the Arab market.


Part 4

Walk: The Wailing Wall. 40 min


11. Relationship between the Wailing Wall and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.


12. The separation of Judaism from Christianity.


13. The meaning of Jewish Customs.


Part 4 

Walk: The Jewish Quarter, the Cardo.60 min


14. History of the expulsion and return of the Jews to Jerusalem.


15. The synagogue, history and function in Judaism.


16. Archaeological excavations in the Jewish Quarter.


Part 5 

Walk: Mt. Zion, room of the Last Supper 30 min


17. The relationship between Zion, the Land of Israel and the Temple


Conclusion ot the tour at the Jaffa Gate.


Day 2 The 2nd day's tour consists of 4 parts and 6 topics

Part 1

Walk: Western Wall Tunnel 90 Min


1. The structure of the temple in relation to Mt. Moriah.


2. The functions of the different parts of the temple.


Part 2

Walk: The City of David, the water tunnels. 180 min



3. David’s conquest of Jerusalem.


4. Solving the problem of water in Jerusalem.


Part 3

Walk: The Israel Museum, miniature of the city at the time of the 2nd Temple.60 min


5. The functions of the various buildings of Jerusalem in the 2nd Temple period.


Part 4

Walk: The Israel Museum, the Dead Sea Scrolls. 60 min


6. The history of the scrolls and their significance.

Email me with all your questions about touring Israel. e