Walk time: 3hrs
Walk price: $40 per person.
Group price (more than 5 people): $150
Walk description:
We start with a brief explanation of the Jaffa Gate and the walls.
Stop to view David’s Tower the oldest building near the Jaffa Gate.
Ascend to a magnificent vantage point over the Old City
for a description and brief history of the 4 quarters of the Old
Walk along the great Roman Road,
known as the Cardo.
Stop to view the archaeological excavations of city walls of more than 2600
years ago.
Continue through the Jewish Quarter to Broad Wall, built by king Hezekiah.
Visit the 4 Synagogues of Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakkai, the Jewish centre
of Jerusalem in medieval times.
Overview of the Wailing (Western) Wall from a magnificent vantage point.
Continue down the steps (the ancient route of the Priests) to the Western (Wailing)
Wall with a magnificent view of the Dome of the Rock, the Wailing Wall and the Mt.
of Olives.
Visit the Wailing Wall.
Extension: On request the tour can be extended to include, the Temple Mount, the Via Dolorosa and the Church
of the Holy Sepulchre.