Rosh Hashanah 5774
Shalom friends,
Once again it’s that time of the
year when the Jews are being judged. Guilty or innocent? Judaism insists that
we face the question and tremble in doubt waiting for the answer. The indictment
is read at least once a year on Rosh Hashanah and the question of guilt or
innocence is raised all the time but it’s not done to describe a real situation
as many people erroneously and rather stupidly, think.
God doesn’t really accuse the Jews of
those crimes listed in the indictment (see below) the Jew recites them so that
he gets the feeling as if he’s being accused of committing those crimes. A real
criminal reciting the indictment, in any case would feel awe and the object of
reciting them is to make us feel awe. The recitation of the indictment isn’t
meant for real criminals but for good people who, in their goodness might
neglect to be in awe.
The Jew goes to synagogue on Rosh
Hashanah as an accused would go to a regular courtroom only in a regular
courtroom the prosecutor reads out the indictment; while in the synagogue it’s
sung by the cantor, slowly, somberly, one word at a time and the congregation
repeats each word. (You’ll find some of the text and a link to the singing at the
end of this talk).
The emotional effect of this, both in
the synagogue and the court room is electrifying and the accused is filled with
awe considering his “dangerous” predicament and worst of all the guy judging
him is the judge of all judges, God Himself. Hey man that’s scary.
This is the effect that Judaism
wants to achieve with Rosh Hashanah (and in fact every day). It’s the whole
object of the service which is like a charade and the worshippers are the
actors. Judaism wants the individual to be in awe constantly, not to take the
world for granted. Being in awe makes people look at one another and examine
their relationship to the things and people around them and question whether
they have done good or bad to others or good or bad to the world. Awe makes
them like that.
Unfortunately enemies of the Jews
have taken the Rosh Hashanah indictment literally and justify their persecution
of the Jews by saying “what do you expect of us when the Jews themselves
declare that they have sinned and stolen, murdered and slandered”. They don’t
understand or they don’t want to understand that this is all an act which the
Jews carry out every year; some Jews do it every day, it’s a sort of mental exercise
to bring on the feeling of awe. Hardly any Jew has even dreamed of doing the
terrible things that appear in the indictment of Rosh Hashanah, yet our enemies
use this as a cudgel against us.
This is why Jewish indictments against
themselves are the most common statements found in the Bible, for example the
prophet Isaiah (ch1v4) “Oh sinful nation, people weighed down with iniquity”,
Jeremiah(Ch2v13)” My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me…”,
Ezr (ch9v13) "What has happened to us is
a result of our evil deeds and our great guilt…”,Jer (ch13v2) And if you ask yourself, "Why has this
happened to me?"— It is because of your many sins that your skirts have
been torn off and your body mistreated and there are many more verses like
The Bible’s purpose in spelling out the crimes of
the Jewish People
is not to describe a real situation of the Jews being a nation of sinners and
of God being wrathful and cruel, as most people, especially our enemies, think.
The Bible’s purpose here is to give the Jews something to recite that will make
them feel guilty, as if they have committed those crimes and as if God is full
of wrath and so engender an atmosphere of awe. There are too many other
examples pointing to the Jews as a humane, kind and generous nation and God as
a God of love for us to accept that God is really wrathful.
The whole purpose of the Bible would
be defeated if Jews didn’t live in a state of awe all the time. There’s also a
very strong suggestion that all nations should be in awe.
A Jew, even if he keeps all the
commandments and prays every day is not a Jew if he doesn’t live in a state of
Wishing you a good day and a very
good Year.
Yours truly
Leon Gork
Ashamnu Prayer
Youtube woman cantor singing Ashamnu
Some of the text of Ashamu:
We have become guilty = אשמנו
We have betrayed = בגדנו Bagadnu
We have robbed = גזלנו Gazalnu
We have spoken slander= דברנו
Dibarnu Dofi
We have caused perversion = העוינו
We have caused wickedness = והרשענו
We have sinned willfully = זדנו
= Zadnu
We have extorted = חמסנו
We have accused falsely טפלנו
Tifalnu Sheker
We have given evil counsel = יעצנו
Ya’atsnu ra
We have been deceitful = כזבנו
we have scorned = לצנו Latsnu
we have rebelled = מרדנו Maradnu
we have provoked = נאצנו Na’atsnu
we have turned away = סררהט
we have been perverse = עוינו
We have acted wantonly = פשענו