
Leon's No Newsletter 204 Thu 21st Nov 2013

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The importance of Women

Shalom friends,

In the beginning only God created and one of the things that He created was Man who then became the creator instead of God. Now God doesn’t create anymore, only man creates. It’s as if God created a creator to take over the job of creating.

The problem; however is that when God created He created one or two things at a time and they were all useful. He also had time to examine His creations to make sure they were good. Today we’re in such a constant whirl of creation that no one can say what exactly is being created at any given moment and some of the things created aren’t of any use to anybody and many things are dangerous.

Everything that God created had a use, nothing was superfluous. Today many of the things that man creates are only useful to a few people. We can’t say as God could, that everything He created is useful.

The result of man’s creativity therefore is superfluity waste and the world is so cluttered up with all kinds of things that man has created, that nobody needs or that people don’t know the use for, that it’s getting more difficult each year for people to sort out the useful from the useless.

The problem has become so acute that the science we call “advertising” has come into existence as a means by which we learn what things are used for. If it wasn’t for advertising many things wouldn’t be used because people wouldn’t know what they’re used for. We have even reached the absurd situation where the use of a thing which was once obvious is now forgotten because advertising hasn’t told us its use. This was very clearly illustrated to me once when I asked a friend why nobody ate any apples from a bowl on his dining room table; as a result they served only as a decoration. His answer was simple “apples aren’t advertised as something you eat”. So what it’s come to is that advertising decides what is useful for us and what things are used for.

Unfortunately advertisers have learnt that they can’t increase sales of the most useful objects like apples simply by describing the health benefits of eating apples. If they want to sell more apples they must find a more attractive use for eating apples than just improving health. So they show a pretty girl or a handsome man eating an apple and sales go up because advertisers have convinced people that they will be more attractive to the opposite sex if they eat apples.

So we eat apples, for the wrong reasons, not to become healthier but to become sexier.

Modern advertising isn’t the first to use the attraction of a woman as a way to motivate man’s behavior. Adam probably would never have eaten the forbidden fruit had Eve not tempted him. I’m sure that the snake or any other animal in the Garden of Eden couldn’t have tempted Adam, only Eve could do that.

The result is that women are since that time considered temptresses. It would be very wrong to conclude that they only tempt us to be disobedient or to do harmful things. Many of the actions that changed the course of history were carried out by men who obediently followed a woman’s instructions.

For example Sarah, Abraham’s wife orders him to expel Hagar and her son from their home in the desert. So it turns out that Hagar’s son, Ishmael becomes the ancestor of the desert people, the Arabs and Isaac the ancestor of the Jews. Then Rebecca dresses Jacob in a costume that fools Isaac into thinking that he’s Esau and so Isaac gives him the blessing that he originally meant for Esau and Jacob becomes the ancestor of the Israelites. Then Leah organizes matter so that Jacob marries her instead of the woman he loves, Rachel and Lea’s children become the main leaders of the Jewish People; Judah becomes the royal tribe from which David descends, Levi becomes the priestly tribe from which Moses and Aaron descend.

In my opinion this shows the importance and strength or women which derives from the attraction they have for men.

In the face of this I struggle between supporting or rejecting the laws which all religions apply to ensure that women’s attractions are hidden from the eyes of men.

On the one hand I’m eager to view those attractions but morally I’m in favor of the laws of modesty, although I think that sometimes they are too extreme.

Wishing you a good day

Yours truly

Leon Gork

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